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Keepin’ On: The Bioenergetic Path through Trauma with Resilience


Thursday, June 5 to Sunday, June 8
Optional Add On Day: Wednesday, June 4
(Wednesday dinner to Thursday afternoon check-in)


Essex Woods Meeting & Retreat Center, Essex, MA


Together, we will explore the impact of different types of trauma on ourselves and our clients. We will discuss how developmental trauma differs from shock traumas and the different approaches required to treat them. Participants will learn practical, simple, effective body-based tools to use in their professional and personal lives to address trauma.

From the perspective of bioenergetic analysis, early relational traumas impact the development of a person’s body, as well as their mind. Early traumas can lead to a decrease in breathing, energy, joy, and connection to oneself and others. Developmental trauma often underlies client’s presenting problems including depression, anxiety, relationship instability, and addictions. These wounds are often out of the client’s awareness and require the clinician’s understanding to address them. Body-based tools, combined with an ability to link early history to a person’s presenting problems expands the ability of clinicians to help their clients.

Conference attendees will have the opportunity to attend keynote talks and experiential workshops based on the theme. Everyone will participate in small process groups, which provide opportunities to explore the themes in a safe space. We invite you to join us and enjoy nourishing food, community, fun evening activities, and indoor/outdoor amenities at the beautiful Essex Woods Meeting & Retreat Center in Essex, Massachusetts. 

Conference Includes

  • Keynote talks
  • Bioenergetic exercise classes
  • Workshops related to the conference theme
  • Participation in an in-depth process group
  • CE credits available
  • Overnight accommodations
  • Nine delicious meals
  • Optional evening activities: fire circle, dancing, skit night
  • Use of hot tub, sauna, walking trails

We extend a special invitation to individuals new to bioenergetic therapy.   

Process Groups

A significant portion of the time during the conference will be in small “process groups” where participants will have opportunities to discuss the talks and experience bioenergetic therapy sessions. We plan for the process groups to be organized as follows:

  • Group for clients of bioenergetic therapy
  • Group for mental health professionals newer to bioenergetic analysis
  • Advanced group for certified bioenergetic therapists, graduates of bioenergetic training programs, and advanced trainees, led by Dr. Robert Coffman and Laurie Ure, LICSW.  Note:  Not everyone in this group is guaranteed an individual session with Dr. Coffman.     

Keynote Speakers

Robert Coffman, PhD, Certified Bioenergetic Therapist, is a licensed clinical psychologist with over 45 years of experience as a bioenergetic analyst and trainer.  Bob is a member of the international faculty f the International Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA) and maintains an ongoing private practice in California.  He also assists as a clinical facilitator for somatic experiencing.  Website:

Shira Karman, LMHC, is a body-oriented psychotherapist, trained in bioenergetics and certified in core energetics.  She holds a master’s degree and board certification in dance movement therapy and is a licensed mental health counselor.  She has taught for decades at Lesley University in the expressive therapies department as well as at Cambridge College in the psychology department.  She has taught in various locations in the States and in China.

Conference Fees – Early Registration

The conference fees include three overnights, nine full meals (starting with Thursday dinner and ending with Sunday lunch), use of facilities (hot tub, sauna, fire circle) and full program. If paid in full by May 1, 2025, the cost of the conference is:

Double: $975
Triple: $875
Single: $1,200
Non-residential: $800
CEs: +$50

Regular conference prices without the early registration discount increase by $100 per room type and for non-residential participants.  

Optional Wednesday Evening Add On

We invite you to join us on Wednesday evening to enjoy the conference with a smaller group and spend extra time on the beautiful grounds of Essex Woods. This additional registration includes dinner and lodging on Wednesday, breakfast and lunch on Thursday. Program on Thursday includes bioenergetic exercise class, and experiential workshop led by Dr. Robert Coffman.  Participants may also enjoy a quiet day on the beautiful grounds. The additional cost is:

Double: $300 
Single: $375

Some financial assistance is available. Please send an email stating your financial needs to Susan Kanor at [email protected].

Please complete the registration form below and send your check payable to MSBA to:

Post Office Box 79026
Belmont MA  02479

We prefer payment by check to avoid processing fees associated with other forms of payment; however, payments by Venmo (@mass-bioenergetics) or credit card via PayPal ([email protected]) will also be accepted.

Cancellations prior to May 1, 2025, are refunded minus a $100 processing fee. Cancellations between May 1 to 15 are refunded minus a $200 processing fee.  No refunds will be given for cancellations received after May 15.


    Conference Registration:
    $975: Double Room$875: Triple Room$1200: Single Room$800: Non-Residential

    Add on Wednesday night?
    $0: Not attending$300: Double Room$375: Single Room

    Need CEs?
    $0: No$50: Yes

    Specify your discipline.

    Experience with Bioenergetic Therapy (so we know which group to put you in):

    Please list dietary restrictions and food allergies:

    After submitting your registration form, please see payment options above.

    TOTAL DUE: $

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