Dates: Sat, Sept 23, 2023
Times: 1:00 - 5:15 PM
Location: Alnoba, 24 Cottage Road, Kensington, New Hampshire (~5 minutes off Rte 95)
Fee: $95 early registration (register and pay before Sept 16), $115 regular registration (after Sept 16)
CEs: 4 CEs available for social workers – $20 fee
Leaders: Certified Bioenergetic Therapists and Trainers: Susan Kanor, MA and Laurie Ure, LICSW
The workshop will be both informational and experiential. We will teach the overall theory of bioenergetic analysis, including describing the value of working actively with the body and mind in a healing relationship. We will also guide participants in some of the basic bioenergetic exercises for grounding, opening breathing patterns, and making boundaries verbally and non-verbally. We will discuss case examples and do demonstrations as time allows. We invite you to join us!
Payment accepted by credit card via Paypal or by check made out to MSBA and sent to: PO Box 79026, Belmont MA 02479.
Pre-registration required.
Cancellation policy: for cancellations prior to Sept 16, registration refunded minus $20 processing fee. No refunds after Sept 16.